The Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture (LATVIJAS BIOLOGISKAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS ASOCIACIJA) was founded in 1995. It is a legal, professional, non-governmental organisation that brings together producers, traders and processors of organic products: milk, meat, honey, fruit, vegetable and cereals, processors, traders and supporters of organic food in Latvia (association of producers and processors, recognised by the Member State according to the EC Regulation 1308/2013). The association unites 15 regional branches and representatives of 13 areas of industries. ALOA is not governed by public law in accordance with the Latvian national legislation in force and EC Directive 2014/24 / EU. The General Assembly, the Council and the Board are governing bodies of ALOA. The main decision-making body of the ALOA is the General Assembly of members, which is convened once a year.
The association Council is the decision-making body that is active between meetings of the General Assembly of members. The composition of the Council is decided by the members’ assembly. The Council is elected for three years and divides responsibilities between the Council members. The Board is the executive body of the association consisting of five board members, one of which is the Chairman of the Board. The Board of the association is elected by the members’ General Assembly for the period of three years. ALOA is an important partner and representative of organic farms and companies to the government and the state institutions in charge of planning and supervision of the agricultural sector.
For more details visit their website.
ROLE WITHIN THE PROJECT: ALOA will contribute to the establishment and operation of the pilot use case related to targeted application in the premises of their associated operations. ALOA will continuously give feedback about the results and operation accommodate visits of interested farmers, thus acting as a true demonstration field.