ATLAS participation at AGROTICA 2022 International Fair

ATLAS was showcased during this year’s AGROTICA Fair. On the 21st of October 2022 the project coordinator Dr. Stefan Rilling from Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems, as well as and the Soil & Water Resources Institute (SWRI), the National Observatory of Athens, Agroapps, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and CERTH, offered a comprehensive presentation of the ATLAS project and its results. The presentation was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food at its booth and was opened by the welcoming speech of the Managing Director of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation. The event was attended by a large audience and was particularly honored by the presence of the Minister for Agriculture and Food, the President of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, the executives of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation (President of and Vice President of the Board, Managing Director, members of the Board), representatives of regional authorities, cooperatives, collective irrigation networks, farm advisors and agricultural services providers. The presence of the project was of great success with numerous visitors getting information on the ATLAS stand during the 4 days of the Fair.