International Conference on Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production
Call for Presentations for DIGICROP 2020
With this call for presentations, the organisers are seeking for qualified presenters that engage the scientific audience on the topic of “Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production”.
DIGICROP 2020 is a scientific event addressing an international and interdisciplinary audience working at the intersection of engineering, robotics, computer science, crop sciences, agricultural sciences, phenotyping, and economics. They welcome contributions that develop, propose, use, or evaluate new digital technologies towards sustainability in the context of crop production, crop breeding, biodiversity, or our agro-ecosystem. DIGICROP 2020 will offer a mix of keynote presentations, invited talks, and video talks based on submitted contributions. The conference aims to stimulate scientific discussions among the participants and disseminate results across disciplinary boundaries.
Format: DIGICROP 2020 will take place online, consisting of pre-recorded video talks and live Q&A sessions. Talks will be available online from November 1 on. Live Q&A sessions for the talks will happen via an online conferencing tool on November 10 (in the daytime, CET). The whole event is free of charge for all participants and presenters.
Keynote Presenters:
- Tom Duckett (University of Lincoln – Robotics & Autonomous Systems)
- Frank Ewert (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, ZALF – Plant Modeling)
- Thomas Heckelei (University of Bonn – Economic and Agricultural Policy)
- Salah Sukkarieh (University of Sydney – Field Robotics)
- Achim Walter (ETH Zurich – Crop Science)
- Michelle Watt (University of Melbourne – Botany)
Important Dates:
- August 1: Submission deadline for a 3 min video
- August 31: Notification
- October 1: Deadline for submitting the final versions of your video presentations
- November 1: Conference starts and videos go online
- November 10: Main event with live streams and Q&A sessions, in the daytime CET
Submission Information:
- Submit your contribution at by August 1, 2020.
- The initial submission consists of an up to 3 min long video explaining your contribution.
Visit for more details. - Accepted presenters will have to provide an up to 15 min long as well as a 3 min version of their presentation by October 1, 2020.
For more information, click here.