With more than 30.000 members, the German Agricultural Society (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e.V.) is a non-profit, political independent organization intensively covering all steps of the value chain of Germany´s agriculture and food sector. The DLG aims to support future developments in mentioned areas and to transfer scientific outcomes into practical farming. Therefore, the DLG offers a platform for knowledge exchange and opinion formation and organizes conferences, seminars, colloquia and exhibitions of international relevance. One core area of the DLG activities is the quality promotion, testing, award and certification of agricultural machinery, animal husbandry technics and farm inputs as well as foodstuffs and drinks. Practically relevant aspects are elaborated by about 50 expert committees and a broad network of farmers, scientists, administration, consultancy, food specialists and politics.
Organizing the world‘s leading agricultural machinery exhibition, the AGRITECHNICA, as well as the EuroTier, the DLG owns a unique network and offers a meeting point for the entire branch of international agribusiness with focus on farm machinery and animal husbandry. The presence of all global operators in agricultural machinery supports the promotion of innovations in the branch and the exchange of knowledge and experiences. Furthermore, the DLG organizes more than 120 discussion forums on the exhibitions as to independently present and discuss new developments and innovations in farm machinery, plant production, resource use and animal husbandry.
For more details visit their website.
ROLE WITHIN THE PROJECT: DLG is a non-profit organization intensively covering all steps of the value chain of Germany´s agriculture and food sector. It aims to transfer scientific outcomes into practical farming offering a platform for knowledge exchange and opinion formation and organizing conferences, seminars, colloquia and exhibitions of international relevance (Agritechnica, EuroTier, DLG-Feldtage,…) as well as publications (DLG Expert Knowledge) accepted as helpful advice by practical farmers (WP2). The DLGs International Crop Production Center (IPZ) offers a unique platform to test, evaluate and refine new technologies for practical farming. The infrastructure of large scale field trials on different cropping systems as well as the affiliated arable farm offer opportunities to validate different methods, systems and technology in an typical rural farming region (WP8). DLG will found an Innvoation Hub at each pilot location to ensure the relevance of the performed tests and used technology (WP8). With its broad network into the agricultural branch DLG will support WP9 in standardizing interfaces and data formats by addressing machine and sensor manufacturers.