ATLAS Innovation Hubs (IHs) are present in five European countries. The IHs are connected with the corresponding stakeholders from the agricultural sector in the respective countries. The regional networks include scientific institutions, associations, political decision makers as well as farmers and partners from the downstream and upstream sectors.
Innovation Hubs perform and organize the use cases initiated by the ATLAS Pilots on their site and or in combination with respective linked demo sites in the respective country. Demo sites are the farms or research locations where the ATLAS case studies are tested. The IHs are interconnected with each other for a better coordination of activities and to share experiences and expertise amongst the different countries.
In the IHs, all relevant information and the test results from the demonstrators are bundled in order to be passed on to the stakeholders and multipliers. The stakeholders who should benefit from the information are farmers, consultants, politicians, science, local agricultural institutions and providers of digital technologies in the agricultural sector. Therefore, SMEs acting on a national level in the field of sensors, scientific instruments and customer-integrated solutions are localized and invited.