Machine and Sensor Manufacturers: Technical Requirements Surveys for Data-Driven Agriculture

The European Commission is funding the development of an open digital platform for interoperability between agricultural machinery, sensors and data services through the Horizon 2020 ATLAS Project.

The platform will define a service architecture providing hardware- and software-interoperability layers which enable data exchange between different farming equipment and the analysis of this data using various dedicated analysis approaches.

As part of Work Package 9, led by AEF e.V., partner DLG e.V. invites you to participate in the two surveys given below.

The aim of these surveys is to gain a better understanding of the technical requirements to be considered by machine and sensor manufacturers for the next-generation technology in data-driven agriculture. This will help ATLAS partners to design an efficient platform of tailor-made services.

Please participate in two ways:

Reply to the surveys by clicking:
For the Machine Manufacturer Survey here
For the Sensor Manufacturer Survey here

Disseminate the survey to organisations who you consider might be interested by providing these links:
Machine Manufacturers:
Sensor Manufacturers:

The deadline to submit your survey response is on the 1st May 2020.

Please note that your personal privacy and the data from your organisation will be entirely secured. All replies will be treated in respect to confidentiality rules of the European Commission. Only aggregated results of the survey will be disclosed, which cannot be traced back to individual entries.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you have any further questions.